Advanced Industrial Energy Management
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Energy Program

Advanced Industrial Energy Management

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Advanced Industrial Energy Management

4 Days
0 lessons
0 quizzes
0 students


Efficient engineering practices coupled with advanced energy management programs could generate significant energy savings that could amount to more than 40% of the total energy cost of the entire industrial facility. The expertise and knowledge of technology-based energy management and conservation measures are essential in achieving such savings.

This course covers Fundamentals of Energy Conservation Analysis and Technical Procedures required for assessing Energy Saving Opportunities (ESOs) in equipment and systems commonly used in various industrial facilities. This course also covers the use of one of the most widely employed energy conservation computer software in North America and internationally.

The knowledge presented in this course can be equally applied to optimize energy consumption of existing equipment and to size and select the most energy-efficient new equipment. Topics are introduced to individuals who have no or little background of the subject, while providing valuable information to personnel having experience with energy conservation measures. The course includes various workshops on real case studies. Under course instructor’s guidance, participants will gain valuable, hands-on, experience with various technology-based energy conservation projects. It is highly recommended that each participant uses his/her own laptop during the course.

Course outline

  1. Fundamentals of Energy Conservation Analysis
  2. Introduction and Demonstration of the Energy Conservation Computer Software.
  3. Energy Saving Opportunities (ESOs) in Boiler Systems
  4. ESOs in Steam Distribution Systems
  5. ESOs in Waste-heat Recovery and Cogeneration Systems
  6. ESOs in HVAC Systems
  7. ESOs in Lighting Systems
  8. ESOs in Piping Systems using Pumps and Fans

What you’ll learn

After attending this course,  participants will be able to:

  • Carry out advanced energy management (conservation) analysis of various industrial equipment and systems.
  • Assess and determine energy-saving opportunities in equipment and systems available in various industrial facilities.
  • Learn the use of one of the most efficient energy conservation computer software tools in assessing and analyzing feasibility of various energy conservation projects.

Who should attend

Design and project engineers, technologists, plant and facility engineers, consultants, mechanical engineers and technologists, maintenance and operation personnel, and other technical personnel who need to upgrade/refresh their current knowledge of HVAC systems.

Group training

This course can be customized and delivered to your group of staff at your facility, saving time and money.

Workforce Development Agreements

The cost of this course could be covered by your province or territory’s Workforce Development Agreement. Your company may be eligible for funding!

Daily Schedule (including lunch and coffee breaks):
10:00 AM EST — Session begins
5:00 PM EST — Adjournment
There will be a one-hour lunch break each day in addition to a number of breaks throughout each day.



  • Fundamentals of Energy Conservation Analysis
  • Introduction and Demonstration of the Energy Conservation Computer Software.
  • Assessment of Energy Saving Opportunities (ESOs) in Boiler Systems
    • Types of boilers.
    • Boiler Energy Consumption
    • Mass and Heat Balance for Boilers
    • Boiler combustion and thermal Efficiencies and methods of testing them.
    • Key elements to maximize boiler efficiency.
    • Assessment of heat-recovery potential.


Workshop I: Under instructor guidance, using the computer, you will assess the impact of boiler efficiency improvements (bring your own laptop).

Assessment of Energy Saving Opportunities (ESOs) in Steam Distribution Systems

  • Energy Conservation Opportunities in Steam Systems
  • Estimating Surface and Leakage Losses
  • Steam traps – the impact of inefficient removal of condensate.
  • Impact of Air in Steam Systems

Workshop II: Under instructor guidance, using the computer software, you will assess the cost associated with steam leaks (bring your own laptop).

Day 3 

Assessment of Energy Saving Opportunities (ESOs) in Waste-heat Recovery and Cogeneration Systems

  • Quantifying Waste Heat
  • Temporal availability – matching loads to source
  • Analysing the possibility and economics of waste heat recovery
  • Waste heat recovery equipment and storage.
  • Cogeneration Technologies.

Workshop III: Under instructor guidance, using the computer software, you will assess the feasibility of an Industrial Heat Recovery Project (bring your own laptop).

Assessment of Energy Saving Opportunities (ESOs) in HVAC Systems

  • How does an HVAC system work?
  • Energy ratings of HVAC Components
  • Reducing HVAC loads.
  • How to improve the energy use of the HVAC system.

Workshop III: Under instructor guidance, using the computer software, you will assess the feasibility of a set of measures to improve an industrial ventilation and HVAC system (bring your own laptop).


Assessment of Energy Saving Opportunities (ESOs) in Lighting Systems

  • Types of lamps (Incandescent, Fluorescent, High-Intensity Discharge, Low-Pressure Sodium)
  • Determining lighting needs.
  • Potential energy-saving opportunities.

Workshop IV: Under instructor guidance, using the computer software, you will assess the feasibility of an Industrial Re-Lamping Project (bring your own laptop).

  • Pump power and efficiency.
  • Pump laws.
  • Net positive suction head.
  • Pump performance.

Assessment of Energy Saving Opportunities (ESOs) in Systems using Pumps and Fans

  • System characteristics
  • Performance curves
  • Factors affecting the energy performance of a pump or a fan system
  • Energy efficiency opportunities

Workshop V: under instructor guidance, using the computer software, you will assess the feasibility of using variable speed drive for a set of industrial fans (bring your own laptop).

Questions and Answers

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  • 5
  • 4 days
  • Beginner
  • 2.2 CEUs (22 PDHs)
  • May 6-9, 2024
  • 060905-ONL24
  • Nill
  • Nill