HVAC Air-Handling Equipment and Systems
Canetco April 2, 2024 No Comments

What is HVAC Air-Handling Equipment and Systems

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) air-handling equipment and systems are crucial in conditioning and distributing air within buildings. These systems regulate indoor air quality, temperature, humidity, and ventilation to maintain comfortable and healthy indoor environments. Here’s an overview of HVAC air-handling equipment and systems:

Air Handling Units (AHUs):

AHUs are central components of HVAC systems responsible for conditioning and circulating air throughout buildings.
They typically consist of fans, filters, heating and cooling coils, dampers, and controls.
AHUs are available in various configurations, including rooftop, packaged, and modular units, to suit different building types and applications.

Fans and Blowers:

Fans and blowers circulate air through HVAC systems, providing the necessary airflow for ventilation, heating, and cooling.
Different fans include centrifugal, axial, and propeller fans, each suited for specific airflow requirements and pressure conditions.


Filters are installed within HVAC systems to remove airborne particles, dust, pollen, and other contaminants from the air.
Common filter types include fibreglass filters, pleated filters, HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, and electrostatic filters, with varying levels of filtration efficiency.

Heating and Cooling Coils:

Heating and cooling coils are heat exchanger components that transfer thermal energy to or from the air passing through the AHU.
Heating coils use hot water, steam, or electric resistance heating elements to warm the air. In contrast, cooling coils use chilled water or refrigerant to cool the air.

Humidifiers and dehumidifiers:

Humidifiers add moisture to dry air to maintain comfortable humidity levels, particularly in arid climates or during heating seasons.
Dehumidifiers remove excess moisture from the air to prevent humidity-related issues such as mould growth, condensation, and discomfort.

Dampers and Louvers:

Dampers and louvres control airflow and regulate ventilation rates within HVAC systems.
Dampers adjust airflow by opening or closing to control the volume of air passing through ducts or ventilation openings.
Louvres are adjustable blades or slats installed in building exteriors to control the intake or exhaust of outdoor air.

Air Distribution System:

The air distribution system consists of ductwork, diffusers, grilles, and registers that distribute conditioned air to various spaces within buildings.
Ductwork transports air from the AHU to individual rooms or zones. At the same time, diffusers, grilles, and registers regulate airflow and direct air into occupied spaces.

Controls and Automation:

Controls and automation systems regulate the operation of HVAC equipment, monitoring temperature, humidity, airflow, and other parameters to maintain desired indoor conditions.
Programmable thermostats, Building Automation Systems (BAS), and Direct Digital Control (DDC) systems optimize system performance, energy efficiency, and occupant comfort.

Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs):

ERVs recover heat or coolness from exhaust air and transfer it to incoming outdoor air to improve energy efficiency and indoor air quality.
ERVs help reduce heating and cooling loads by pre-conditioning outdoor air with recovered energy from the exhaust air stream.

UV germicidal lights:

UV germicidal lights are installed within HVAC systems to sterilize the air by killing airborne bacteria, viruses, and mould spores. They help improve indoor air quality and reduce the spread of infectious pathogens.
By integrating these components and systems, HVAC air-handling equipment ensures that buildings are adequately ventilated, heated, cooled, and conditioned to provide occupants with comfortable, healthy, and productive indoor environments.

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